US Military Veterans, Active Duty, and First Responders

Thank you for your service! We are excited to have the opportunity to give back by offering safe boating and sailing opportunities.

We are currently offering two ways to get Veterans, Active Duty, and First Responders out on the water:

  1. Scholarship & Paid Lessons: As a Veteran, Active Duty, or First Responder, you may qualify for a fully paid scholarship in the safe boating education and learn to sail programs that Sail GI offers. Scholarships are limited each year and based on the number of instructors, classes offered, and available funding. When class registration begins, a given number of openings for Veterans, Active Duty, and First Responders will be reserved and awarded on qualification through application. Applications will be available come May 1st on this website. For more information please contact us.

  2. Rum Race Opportunities: Many Sundays during the Summer, weather depending, we have a series of races in Lake Erie called the "Rum Races." These are low key, fun races, that are meant to get sailors out using their own boats. Many of these boat owners are willing to take Veterans, Active Duty, and First Responders out to participate in these events. We try to help make these connections so you can try out sailing and meet new people. You may be thinking you don't have much to offer to go out on someone's boat, well, the way the scoring works the boat you are on gets a "head-start" on the race course as a bonus for every Veteran, Active Duty, or First Responder they take out with them!